Motor Vehicle Fire Research Institute             

   GM Project B.4 Potential Fire Intervention Materials and Technologies  

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DOT/GM Project B.4
Evaluation of Potential Fire Intervention Materials and Technologies

Hamins, Anthony, "Evaluation of Intumescent Body Panel Coatings in Simulated Post-Accident Vehicle Fires," (August 1998) Docket # NHTSA-1998-3588-24, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Hamins, Anthony ,"Evaluation of Active Suppression in Simulated Post-Collision Vehicle Fires," (November 2000) Docket # NHTSA-1998-3588-132, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Ohlemiller ,T. J ., "An Overview of Fire Test Results On Certain Automotive Components ," (December 2001) Docket # NHTSA-1998-3585-542, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). - Also applies to B.3 and B.10